Digital advertising boasts jaw-dropping numbers, with trillions of impressions annually. With about 5 billion internet users globally, trillions of impressions
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Digital advertising boasts jaw-dropping numbers, with trillions of impressions annually. With about 5 billion internet users globally, trillions of impressions
Continue readingHow important is content marketing to the future success of a business? It turns out that one fifth of respondents
Continue readingIt’s not as absurd as you might think. Stop and think about it for just one minute. As the price
Continue readingTL;DR: they see a brand message. If it resonates, it worked. If it doesn’t resonate, it didn’t work. Maybe that’s
Continue readingObviously, I believe in the power and opportunity of digital marketing. In full disclosure: digital marketing has (for almost twenty
Continue readingBrands think that content will solve their marketing problems. Brands may be woefully surprised as this pans out. There was
Continue readingTwitter did some thing this week. It was very small. It can have a huge impact. Yes, Twitter is in
Continue readingHow many brands are creating content that you just can’t wait for? Go ahead. Make a list. I’ll wait. You’re
Continue readingIt can often be a sad state of affairs. I don’t know about you, but when someone send me a
Continue readingExplosive growth on a platform does not (often) come with great marketing results for brands. If brands love one thing,
Continue readingDisplay advertising has a huge problem. It’s all going to come to head in 2017. There is only so long
Continue readingInfluencer marketing is all the rage right now. Multi-million dollar businesses are being built around how to connect brands with
Continue readingDoes the term “digital marketing” make any sense, at this point? It’s the “digital” part that gets everyone so irritated.
Continue readingWe have been voting with our eyeballs. It’s plain and simple. Impressions, GRPs and mix in some repetition. It turns
Continue readingWhat is the value of your personal data to an advertiser? Consumers are rightfully concerned about what is being done
Continue readingAre consumers watching more video content online or on the TV? On April 16th, eMarketer published a news item titled, US
Continue readingWell, this is uncomfortable. I spend a lot of time – in boardrooms and on stages across the world –
Continue readingDo brands still need to be convinced about digital marketing? It’s done. It’s over. Digital marketing is an integral component
Continue readingThat old saying about advertising and performance. When people talk about media and advertising, they inevitably trot out the old
Continue readingIt was the best of times. It was the worst of times. The year was 1994. There were only about
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