Warning: self-promotional Blog post to follow… I am very excited to announce that the name of my next book is:
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When Traditional Media Fails To Understand New Media
Should you be paid to Blog? If you want to create a lightning rod of discourse in the online channels,
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It’s hard not to hit a like button and come across a Social Expert, Guru on Ninja. Even the discourse
Continue readingTwo Great Questions
Whether you’re about to interview someone for a job or heading out to a networking dinner… Here are two questions
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By the way the conversation flowed at this year’s BlogWorld & New Media Expo in Los Angeles, you would think
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As much as we embrace change, we are all creatures of habit. Back in 1988, I became interested in actually
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What do you need to turn your ideas and thoughts into a reality? Painting is hard. First, you need the
Continue readingWhat Does Eight Years Of Blogging Get You?
Eight years ago on this day in 2003, I started Blogging. Here’s some basic info about what has transpired in
Continue reading9 Glorious Truths About Creating Great Content
Marketers don’t like to make mistakes. People don’t like to make mistakes. Content has become a core ingredient in the
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The trouble with new media is that it’s hard to tell the pretenders from the professionals. If an individual with
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Wouldn’t it be a magical world if someone could tell you – in detail – how to write a best-selling
Continue readingThe Best Piece Of Writing Advice
What is the best piece of advice you ever got about how to get better at writing? For me, it
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Have you ever thought of what it takes to make something really happen? It could be an advertising campaign, it
Continue readingSix Links Worthy Of Your Attention #43
Is there one link, story, picture or thought that you saw online this week that you think somebody you know
Continue reading9 Ways To A Better Interview
Whether you’re looking for a job, hiring people or interviewing people for your Blog or Podcast, the ability to drill
Continue readingOn Having A Platform
The way any individual can move the needle in their professional career is by having a platform. Part of the
Continue readingBlogging Is Dead (Again)
Did you read the news? Blogging is dead. Mostly because young people are just not that into it. Why go
Continue readingWhy You Should Write A Book
There are a lot of books that have already been written about Social Media. There’s really not that much more
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You have probably seen enough instances of immaturity in the Social Media channels to make you feel like this is
Continue readingWhat Moved You In 2010
Every year, I fall more in love with writing, the written word and Blogging. From discovering new Bloggers who are
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